This year for Thanksgiving my family went to my grandparent's house. As usual, we had lots of good food. Below are some pictures of my niece, Miclaya and my cousin's little boy, Caleb. (I have two cousins with sons named Caleb.) They had the best time playing together.

Below is me with Caleb.

After lunch some of us took a walk to a park.
Below is my grandmother, MommaGirl. (I grew up calling her MommaBerle, but when one of my cousin's little girl started talking she would say "MommaGirl". Then when Miclaya started talking, she would say the same thing. So now it is MommaGirl!)
Here is Caleb taking a break before sliding down the slide.

This is my sister, Carol Leigh. I thought this picture turned out really good.

Here is another one of Carol Leigh. She is a big kid!
Here is MommaGirl on the merry-go-round.
The big kid again! Needless to say, we had a good time at the park!
Miclaya on the merry-go-round.

And of course, Caleb on the merry-go-round.
After we walked back to the house everyone was very tired. Especially Miclaya and Caleb.
This is Caleb about to fall asleep.

Tired or not, Miclaya and Caleb still played some more.

We all enjoyed the great food and the time we got to spend together.